O grupo PHD Design da lista LISTSERV@jiscmail.ac.uk
publica hoje os Journals disponiveis em Design, Arte e Arquitetura.
The Journals by Rank Order
Design Studies - 152
Design Issues - 146
International Journal of Design - 85
Design Journal - 84
Journal of Design History - 48
Journal of Design Research - 42
Engineering Design - 35
CoDesign - 32
Artifact - 25
Journal of Engineering Design - 25
Research in Engineering Design - 24
Design Philosophy Papers - 23
Applied Ergonomics - 21
Visible Language - 20
CAD - 16
Design Management Journal - 15
Design Research Quarterly - 14
Fashion Theory - 13
Human-Computer Interaction - 13
Interacting with Computers - 13
Print Annual - 13
Eye - 12
Information Design Journal - 12
Journal of Technology and Design Education - 12
Digital Creativity - 11
Journal of Product Innovation Management - 11
Design Management Review - 10
Visual Communication - 9
Design and Technology Education - 8
Environment and Planning - 8
Journal of Architectural Education - 8
Winterthur Portfolio - 8
AI for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing - 7
Art, Design and Communication in Higher Education - 7
Journal of Interior Design - 7
Studies in the Decorative Arts - 7
Textile - 7
Architectural Review - 6
Communication Arts - 6
Innovation - 6
International Journal of Art and Design Education - 6
Journal of Interior Design - 6
Journal of Mechanical Design - 6
The Radical Designist - 6
Grey Room - 5
Home Cultures - 5
IDEA - 5
International Journal of Product Development - 5
Journal of Design Principles and Practice - 5
Journal of Research Practice - 5
Journal of Visual Culture - 5
Metropolis - 5
October - 5
Baseline - 4
Harvard Business Review (HBR) - 4
Harvard Design Magazine - 4
Journal of Design Communication - 4
Journal of Material Culture - 4
Journal of Modern Craft - 4
Point - Art and Design Research Journal - 4
Working Papers in Art & Design - 4
AGDA Journal (Visual: Design: Scholarship) - 3
AIGA Journal of Design - 3
Computers and Human Behaviour - 3
Cybernetics and Human Knowing - 3
Design Week - 3
Domus - 3
Ergonomics in Design - 3
Graphis - 3
How - 3
International Journal of Design Computing - 3
Journal of Sustainable Design - 3
Technology and Culture - 3
Advanced Engineering Informatics - 2
Architecture Design Research - 2
Assemblage - 2
Computer Arts - 2
Design News - 2
Design Observer - 2
Design Politics - 2
Empirical Studies of the Arts - 2
Engineering Education - 2
Interactions - 2
Journal of Decorative Arts - 2
Journal of Visual Studies - 2
JSAH - 2
Landscape - 2
Modernism - 2
NextD - 2
Otto - 2
Places - 2
Scandinavian Journal of Design History - 2
The Journal of Cloth and Culture - 2
AA Files - 1
ACM Interactions - 1
AI in Engineering Knowledge-based Systems - 1
AI Magazine - 1
AIT - 1
Antiques, Art & Auction - 1
Architectural digest - 1
Architectural Record - 1
Architecture Australia - 1
artichoke - 1
Arts Culture - 1
CMYK - 1
Costume - 1
Creativity - 1
Daidalos - 1
Design Poetics - 1
Dot Dot Dot - 1
El Croquis - 1
Environmental & Architectural Phenomenology Newsletter - 1
Fashion Projects - 1
Fibre Culture - 1
Hotel Design Magazine - - 1
Human Technology - 1
IEEE transaction of Professional Communication - 1
indesign - 1
International Business and Technical Communication - 1
International Journal of HCI - - 1
International Journal of Advertising - 1
Issues in Architecture Art and Design - 1
JOLA - 1
Journal of Aesthetic Education - 1
Journal of Architectural History - 1
Journal of Artists Books - 1
Journal of Computers in Science and Engineering - 1
Journal of Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications - 1
Journal of Decorative and Propaganda Arts - 1
Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations - 1
Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability
Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education - 1
Journal of Interaction Design - 1
Journal of Plurality in Design - 1
Journal of Southeast Asian Architecture - 1
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians - 1
Journal of Urban Design - 1
Journal of Visual Communication - - 1
Journal of Writing Research - 1
JSSD - 1
Landscape Architecture Australia - 1
Leonardo - 1
Man and Cybernetics - 1
md - 1
Mesh - 1
Metaphor and Symbol - 1
METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture - 1
New Design - 1
Planning Perspectives - 1
Poloxygen - 1
Praxis - 1
RealTime - 1
Reflections - 1
Representations - 1
Research Issues in Art, Design, and Media - 1
Scan Journal of Media - 1
Service Design Journal - 1
Sleeper - 1
Technical Communication Quarterly - - 1
The Australian Journal of Media and Culture - 1
The Bulletin of Japanese Society for the Science of Design - 1
The International Journal of the Arts in Society - 1
The National Grid - 1
The World of Interiors - 1
Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science - 1
Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Review - 1
Typography Papers - 1
U & IC Form - 1
Urban Design International - 1
Written Communication - 1
Total number of journals = 173
13 junho 2011
Design Journals
Designer de produto formado no México, com Mestrado na Inglaterra. Me siga no LinkedIn em:
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