The Design History Society wishes to invite individuals who can make a distinctive and dynamic contribution to the development of design history to apply to join the Editorial Board of the Journal of Design History.
The Journal, which is published by Oxford University Press in partnership with the Society, is the pre-eminent journal in its field and works to extend the international and interdisciplinary significance of the subject.
Closing date is 30 June 2012.
"Design Research" book to be published by a leading UK-based academic
publisher late next year aimed at undergraduate and postgraduate
We wish to include top quality, original, speculative, provocative,
evocative and/or innovative contributions in this book from the global
design research community. We are looking for contributions that will
fit under one or more of the following headings:
What is design research?
* The Nature and Process of Design Research (including the history of
design research)
* The Purpose of Design Research (i.e. about / for / through /
generative / formative / evaluative)
* Research Approaches (ontology and epistemology)
How do we embark on design research?
* Formulating Research Questions
* Conducting a Literature Search and Review
* Developing a Research Plan
How do we conduct design research?
* Asking Questions (e.g. novel sampling approaches)
* Data Collection Methods (e.g. generative / formative / evaluative)
* Analysing Information
* Ethical Issues
How do we communicate design research?
* Writing Techniques
* Writing for Your Audience
* Publicising Your Research
Examples of design research
* Case Studies - How We Embark on Design Research
* Case Studies - How We Conduct Design Research
* Case Studies - How We Communicate Design Research
In the first instance, we wish to solicit contributions from interested
authors in the form of a one page summary (circa 300 to 400 words) by
Monday 7 May, 2012.
For more information please contact the editors:
Closing date is 30 June 2012.
"Design Research" book to be published by a leading UK-based academic
publisher late next year aimed at undergraduate and postgraduate
We wish to include top quality, original, speculative, provocative,
evocative and/or innovative contributions in this book from the global
design research community. We are looking for contributions that will
fit under one or more of the following headings:
What is design research?
* The Nature and Process of Design Research (including the history of
design research)
* The Purpose of Design Research (i.e. about / for / through /
generative / formative / evaluative)
* Research Approaches (ontology and epistemology)
How do we embark on design research?
* Formulating Research Questions
* Conducting a Literature Search and Review
* Developing a Research Plan
How do we conduct design research?
* Asking Questions (e.g. novel sampling approaches)
* Data Collection Methods (e.g. generative / formative / evaluative)
* Analysing Information
* Ethical Issues
How do we communicate design research?
* Writing Techniques
* Writing for Your Audience
* Publicising Your Research
Examples of design research
* Case Studies - How We Embark on Design Research
* Case Studies - How We Conduct Design Research
* Case Studies - How We Communicate Design Research
In the first instance, we wish to solicit contributions from interested
authors in the form of a one page summary (circa 300 to 400 words) by
Monday 7 May, 2012.
We wish to celebrate the plurality of design research and also the wide range of conceptual, methodological, technological and theoretical approaches evident in contemporary design research.
We wish to receive contributions from the vast array of disciplines in and around modern design praxis including, but not limited to, the following:
We would especially like to receive contributions that view themselves
as inter-disciplinary, cross-disciplinary, multi-disciplinary,trans-disciplinary, and / or anti-disciplinary in nature.
- Industrial design
- Product design
- Visual communication
- Typography
- Interaction design
- Fashion design
- Social design
- Jewellery design
- Design theory
- Hacktivism
- Filmmaking
- Design ethnography
- Journalism
- Social sciences
- Life sciences
- Engineering
- Manufacturing
- Business
- Computing
- Architecture
- Critical design
We would especially like to receive contributions that view themselves
as inter-disciplinary, cross-disciplinary, multi-disciplinary,trans-disciplinary, and / or anti-disciplinary in nature.
Professor Paul Rodgers and Dr. Joyce Yee
Northumbria University, School of Design
Aims and Scope
The International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation is an international publication that provides a forum for discussing the nature and potential of creativity and innovation in design from both theoretical and practical perspectives.
The journal pursues a truly interdisciplinary academic field that will interest and stimulate researchers of engineering design, industrial design, architecture, artificial intelligence, linguistics, cognitive science, and similar areas.
The journal aims to not only promote existing research but also pioneer a new design research field that lies in the gray area between the existing field of design research and the disciplines of systems engineering, information technology, computer science, social science, psychology, art, and philosophy, or in the intermediate area within the existing disciplines.
The submitted papers (analytical studies, constructive studies, case studies, field studies, literature surveys, etc.) will be reviewed not only by potential experts from the point of view of their respective disciplines but also by editors who will evaluate whether the knowledge or discussions are falsifiable or whether they can be accumulated to establish a basis for
an interdisciplinary academic research field.
Launching in January 2013.
The journal is currently accepting manuscripts for review.
The journal covers, but is not restricted to, the following topics:
• Theories on Design Creativity and Innovation
• Cognition of Design Creativity
• Innovative Process
• Inventive Process
• Analogical Reasoning for Design Creativity and Innovation
• Design Synthesis
• Method and Tools for Design Creativity and Innovation
• Representation of Design Creativity and Innovation
• Education for Design Creativity and Innovation
• Concept Generation and Inspiration
Northumbria University, School of Design
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Aims and Scope
The International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation is an international publication that provides a forum for discussing the nature and potential of creativity and innovation in design from both theoretical and practical perspectives.
The journal pursues a truly interdisciplinary academic field that will interest and stimulate researchers of engineering design, industrial design, architecture, artificial intelligence, linguistics, cognitive science, and similar areas.
The journal aims to not only promote existing research but also pioneer a new design research field that lies in the gray area between the existing field of design research and the disciplines of systems engineering, information technology, computer science, social science, psychology, art, and philosophy, or in the intermediate area within the existing disciplines.
The submitted papers (analytical studies, constructive studies, case studies, field studies, literature surveys, etc.) will be reviewed not only by potential experts from the point of view of their respective disciplines but also by editors who will evaluate whether the knowledge or discussions are falsifiable or whether they can be accumulated to establish a basis for
an interdisciplinary academic research field.
Launching in January 2013.
The journal is currently accepting manuscripts for review.
The journal covers, but is not restricted to, the following topics:
• Theories on Design Creativity and Innovation
• Cognition of Design Creativity
• Innovative Process
• Inventive Process
• Analogical Reasoning for Design Creativity and Innovation
• Design Synthesis
• Method and Tools for Design Creativity and Innovation
• Representation of Design Creativity and Innovation
• Education for Design Creativity and Innovation
• Concept Generation and Inspiration
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